
Untapped power of unpublished data 

What information can you gain from complaints data?

Which businesses are truly trustworthy? What problems might you face when making a purchase? Are others experiencing the same problem, or are you the only one?

Critical answers to these questions lie hidden within vast datasets held by Australian regulators. Yet, this valuable information often remains inaccessible to the public, in stark contrast to initiatives in NSW, QLD and internationally.

Join us for a unique webinar where we unveil the findings of our latest research into the publication practices of consumer complaints data among Australian regulators.

Expert Panel


Leanne Wiseman

Griffith Law School, Professor of Law

Leanne Wiseman is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow and Professor of Law at Griffith University, Brisbane Australia and Chair of the Australian Repair Network .
Leanne’s current research expertise focuses on the intersection between law and new digital technologies. She is currently researching legal and regulatory responses to the International Right to Repair movement, with particular interest of its impact within the automotive, agricultural, consumer electronic and medical device repair markets. Leanne is passionate about strengthening  Australian consumers’ right to repair, ensuring the more efficient and sustainable use of Australian resources and, in turn, Australia’s environmental sustainability.

Natasha Mann 

NSW Fair Trading Commissioner, Deputy Secretary

Natasha Mann NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Deputy Secretary. As Fair Trading Commissioner, she is responsible for regulating significant industries including real estate, strata, the motor industry, and general consumer transactions. As Deputy Secretary she leads an extensive portfolio of regulators and schemes including NSW Fair Trading, Office of the Registrar General, Professional Standards Authority, Long Service Corporation and Subsidence Advisory NSW. Natasha is an experienced organisational leader with over 20 years of regulatory and public policy experience at executive and Board level. She has held various senior leadership roles across the government sector in the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, the Department of Premier & Cabinet, NSW Health and the Privacy Commission.


Joseph Nunweek 

WEstJustice, Legal Director

Joseph Nunweek is the Legal Director of the Economic Justice Team at Westjustice Community Legal Centre. As Director, he oversees the casework, strategic policy advocacy, and program development across a range of civil law practices involving people’s housing and economic rights, including tenancy, consumer, insurance, infringements, and economic abuse. He sits on the Office of the Residential Tenancy Commissioner’s Stakeholder Roundtable, and the Insurance Council of Australia’s Consumer Advisory Committee. Joseph has practiced in civil law in the community justice sector in both Victoria and Aotearoa New Zealand and is a passionate behaviour in comparative research and analysis to develop best practice in industry and government that can minimise consumer harm and maximise consumer empowerment.


  • The current landscape of regulatory data transparency in Australia
  • The gap between ACL regulators and other bodies in data accessibility
  • Best practices from international counterparts
  • Recommendations for improving data publication and accessibility

Facilitator and Presenter


Erin Turner - Facilitator


Erin Turner leads CPRC, and is a consumer advocate that has worked with a broad range of governments and regulators to make markets fairer for Australians.


Sarah Panckridge - Presenter

CPRC Senior Research and Policy Advisor

Sarah has expertise in social research working with justice and union sectors and specialising in qualitative research, policy analysis and advocacy.

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