November 16, 2022

The Barriers and Potential Enablers of Electric Vehicle Uptake in Australia

This working paper covers the barriers and enablers of elective vehicle uptake in Australia.

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Key findings

EVs will play an important role in the transition to net zero, both by reducing emissions in the transport sector and by complementing other household activities, such as rooftop solar. They can also facilitate households to participate in demand response and other energy market responses that leverage residential level distributed energy resources. CPRC undertook a nationally representative survey of 2,000 Australians. The purpose of this was to better understand the barriers and enablers for Australians to switch from internal combust engine (ICE) to electric vehicles (EVs).


of Australians identified one or more barriers stopping them from buying EV.

1 in 4

1 in 4 identified charging time and running costs as a barrier.


Upfront costs of EVs is the largest barrier to uptake at the moment.



The barriers relate to costs, market development, charging networks and assumptions about EV performance.


Access to charging infrastructure is a major concern, especially for people living in apartments or renting.


People in regional and rural Australia also have greater concerns about range/charging infrastructure.

About the author:


Kristal Burry

CPRC’s Policy and Program Director, Kristal Burry, has extensive experience in the energy and water sectors. Kristal has worked for the federal government on a range of energy issues from electricity and gas pipeline regulation through to residential energy efficiency measures.


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