
CPRC Board

CPRC’s commitment to accountability is supported by its governance and management structures and our internal systems and processes. The Board is made up of longstanding Directors with diverse skills and experience.


Maree Davidson AM


Maree provides consultancy services and project management across strategic communications and planning, change management, business development and marketing. Maree is also a Member of National Coalition Against Bullying (NCAB), Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Fellowship for Indigenous Leadership and a Board Member of Fitted for Work.


Jane Nash

Jane is an experienced non-executive director and consultant who has worked across the corporate, community and public sectors. During an executive career at ANZ Banking Group, she led Government & Regulatory Affairs, Sustainability, commissioned Australia’s first National survey of consumer financial literacy and worked with regulators, consumer groups and community partners towards improving Australians’ money management and wellbeing. Until mid-2022 she was CEO of the Financial Counselling Foundation. Jane holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Degree from Melbourne University and completed the International Executive Programme at INSEAD (France) and the Company Director course at the AICD.


Paul Harrison

Paul Harrison (PhD) is Director of the MBA program and Co-Director of the Better Consumption Lab at the Deakin Business School, and Adjunct Professor at Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milano, Italy. Paul is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. His research, consulting, teaching, and writing informs businesses, public institutions, and social policy across a range of contexts, including consumer wellbeing, aged care, legal and regulatory environments, and public health/epidemiology through the examination of the effect of marketing and advertising on consumer behaviour, the psychology of emotional and rational behaviour, and the social aspects of consumption. Dr Harrison has advised or consulted to organisations such as Nestle, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, and eBay on issues related to consumer behaviour.

In addition to his academic work at Deakin University and his role on the CPRC Board, Paul is a member of the auDA Advisory Committee, a member of the AHPRA Rapid Regulatory Response Oversight Group, the Indigenous Respect Community of Practice at the Deakin Business School, recently retired director of the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, former chair of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, and has been a member of VicHealth’s Expert Panel in SocialMarketing and the Nourish Network. Paul was co-host of ABC Radio National’s consumer behaviour program, Talking Shop, appeared on, and advised the ABC1 program, The Checkout, writes a regular column on Medium, and is heard monthly on ABC Radio Melbourne Evenings discussing consumer behaviour and consumer affairs issues.


Dr Ron Ben-David

Dr Ron Ben-David Ron is a Professorial Fellow with the Monash Business School and Monash Sustainable Development Institute. Between 2008 and 2019, he served as chair of the Essential Service Commission (Vic) where he led far-reaching reforms in many areas of economic regulation. Prior to the commission, Ron held senior roles in the Victorian Departments of Premier and Cabinet and Treasury and Finance. In 2008, he headed the national secretariat for the Garnaut Climate Change Review. Ron is a board member of ClimateWorks Australia and the Regulatory Policy Institute (A-NZ), and an advisory board member for the Centre for Market Design. He has been a member of the Australian Energy Regulator’s Consumer Reference Group and Consumer Challenge Panel. Ron is a deputy chair of the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission and a member of the Independent Pricing Committee for the National Disability Insurance Agency.


Tim Lo Surdo

Tim is the Founder of Democracy in Colour – Australia’s first racial and economic justice organisation led by people of colour. Before starting Democracy in Colour, he worked with low-paid workers to set up Hospo Voice – a new union in hospitality. Previously, Tim was the Head of Campaigns at Oaktree (largest youth-focussed international development organisation with over 200,000 members), a senior adviser to two Senators, the Campaigns Director at Jhatkaa (a movement of 1.9 million people taking action for a fairer India), the National Communications Director at UN Youth Australia, and co-founded Open Sky (one of India’s most well-known performance art communities). Tim is the Social Entrepreneur in Residence at Mill House Ventures and has served as a Non-Executive Director on 15 Boards. He is currently a Director of Plan International, No to Violence, the Australian Marine Conservation Society, Environment Victoria, the Alliance for Gambling Reform, Inner Melbourne Community Legal, the Consumer Policy Research Centre, and the Victorian Government’s Sustainability Fund. For his work, Tim was appointed in 2020 as one of 17 UN Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals.

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