Privacy Policy


Data you disclose without any control.

This is the log data from your visits to our websites. See the information regarding Cookies below for more detail on this. We recommend using a secure browser that allows you to visit websites privately, without tracking, surveillance or censorship. There are many of these browsers freely available to download.

We do as much as possible to protect this data by regularly deleting it. We don’t process the raw data to understand individual people or their behaviour.

We use this data to identify how people are using the CPRC website and what content the users are engaging with the most. This helps us to improve our content and ensure we are providing users with what they want, while also allowing us to report back to our Board about the usefulness of the website.

We use Google Analytics to understand which parts of our website are more frequently visited and are of most interest to our audience. We use the Google Analytics Site Kit package to count site views and number of visitors, and measure our site’s search traffic via Google. We do not have access to individuals’ data or information about their specific devices.


Data you disclose to receive our newsletter.

This includes the email address that you provide to us, your name, organisation and role. You can share this information with us to ask questions, be notified of specific areas of our work and receive our newsletters.

Knowing what sector and organisation you come from assists us to tailor the information you receive. We do not use this data for any other purpose, nor would we without asking.


A record of your engagement with our work.

If you engage with our work, (e.g. commenting on our news and opinion items, reports, projects or submissions), we will keep a record of this interaction. Similarly we keep log data of website visits as it is helpful for us to know how many people are engaging with each type of content, but this data will not be shared with other parties.

How do we protect your privacy?

  • We minimise the personal data we hold.
  • We do not use third party services to procure data.
  • We regularly check and update our security measures. Breaches may occur despite our best efforts; however, we will notify you if this occurs and rectify the situation soon as possible.

Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them.

You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website. Your consent applies only to You can find out more about cookie management in the EFF’s helpful guide.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are used to store small pieces of information. The cookies are stored on your device when the website is loaded on your browser. These cookies help us make the website function properly, make the website more secure, provide better user experience, and understand how the website performs and to analyse what works and where it needs improvement.

How do we use cookies?

Essential: Some cookies are essential for you to be able to experience the full functionality of our site. They allow us to maintain user sessions and prevent any security threats. They do not collect or store any personal information.

Statistics: These cookies store information like the number of visitors to the website, the number of unique visitors, which pages of the website have been visited, the source of the visit etc. These data help us understand and analyse how well the website performs and where it needs improvement.

How can I control the cookie preferences?

Should you decide to change your preferences later through your browsing session, you can click on the “Privacy & Cookie Policy” tab on your screen. This will display the consent notice again enabling you to change your preferences or withdraw your consent entirely.

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. To find out more out more on how to manage and delete cookies, visit

Embedded content from other websites

Our site includes embedded videos hosted by Vimeo. We choose to use Vimeo for our videos as we believe they are one of the most secure platforms in terms of protecting your privacy. Please visit and familiarise yourself with Vimeo’s privacy policy here.


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