May 12, 2021

Consumer Data Right Report 1: Stepping Towards Trust Consumer Experience, Consumer Data Standards, and the Consumer Data Right

The Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) has been engaged to prepare a series of consumer research reports for the Data Standards Body (DSB). The reports will cover subjects identified by DSB, CPRC and consumer/community groups as being priority topics. They will connect Australian and international research to the perspectives of local community services, providing an evidence base for the ongoing development of data standards for, and staged implementation of, Australia’sConsumer Data Right (CDR). The project will derive findings through direct engagement with community sector stakeholders; reference to CPRC’s broader consumer policy research; and analysis of existing material relating to consumer experiences of data markets, the CDR, andcomparable consumer data reforms elsewhere.

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The Australian Consumer Data Right (CDR) has long term application for economy-wide cross-sector reforms to encourage choice and competition through consumer data sharing, commencing via a staged roll out through designated sectors of the economy. As such, CDR differs from data reforms such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Its present iteration is – not least because of an initial roll-out in the banking sector – more closely aligned with the trajectory and concerns of open banking implementations, although it goes much further in its intent.


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