May 12, 2021

Consumer Data Right Report 2: Joint Accounts and the Consumer Data Right

The Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) has been engaged to prepare a series of consumer research reports for the Data Standards Body (DSB), on subjects identified as being priority topics by DSB, CPRC, consumer advocates and community groups. The research derives findings through direct engagement with community sector stakeholders; reference to CPRC’s broader consumer policy research activities; and analysis of existing material relating to consumer experiences of data markets, the CDR, and consumer data reforms in other jurisdictions.

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The work has been initiated to bring more consumer-centric and practice-informed knowledge of consumer experiences, needs, and expectations for data sharing into the evidence base informing ongoing development of data standards for Australia’s Consumer Data Right (CDR). As well, the project aims to grow capability and seed opportunity for the community sector to be supported in contributing to CDR development in ways that will facilitate all Australian consumers having access to positive outcomes from the regime.

The Consumer Data Right (CDR) has been heavily shaped by engagement with data holders and potential data recipients regarding the technical and commercial use cases and problem spaces it invokes. Continuing opportunities for community and social services to share expertise in relation to whether consumer outcomes are similarly informing CDR development have been fewer in number.

Our report acknowledges this gap and contributes a summary of qualitative findings and consumer experience inputs from discussions CPRC conducted with community sector organisations and consumer advocates during August and September 2020 on the topic of the Consumer Data Right and joint accounts. Creating safe and useful CDR data sharing for joint accounts holders requires an understanding of who those consumers are, the contexts in which they are likely to encounter CDR, and what their capabilities might be when interacting with the scheme.

Our report delves into consumer experiences and scenarios relating to joint accounts data that have not always been given prominence in industry-led CDR use cases to date. In sharing their stories and insights about how consumer data impacts on peoples lives, wellbeing, and access to essential services, participants have raised ambitions for a more inclusive and equitable data economy and a CDR capable of supporting the positive outcomes that all Australian consumers deserve.

Establishing trust in joint accounts data sharing through CDR processes can be addressed to some extent through the Data Standards.


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