April 28, 2022
This report, the fourth in the series, addresses the critical issue of consumer consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of CDR data as facilitated by the reform. It explores opportunities for CDR to be ‘doing consent well’, and highlights which of these are within the remit of the DSB.
The Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) was engaged by the Data Standards Body (DSB) to prepare a series of consumer research reports on how the Consumer Data Right will change the experience of Australian consumers transacting in the data economy.
This is the fourth instalment covering subjects identified as being priority topics by the DSB and CPRC, addressing issues that are of significance for government, industry and the wider community.
This report builds on indicators for effective consent identified in CPRC’s first CDR report and provides preliminary modelling for a CDR consumer outcomes measurement framework.
October 31, 2023
Faulty cars are far too common and disrupt too many lives. This report delves deep into the repercussions of faulty cars on individuals' lives, examines the legal pathways available for those seeking remedies and explores the experience of First Nations people.
March 16, 2023
Australia’s privacy laws rely on notification and consent as the primary means of protecting consumers. The onus is on consumers to navigate complex privacy protections in a continuously complex digital economy. It is time to consider reforms that hold businesses accountable for how they collect, share and use consumer data. It is time to give regulators the power to pause and assess data practices that are causing or likely to cause consumer harm.