
Submission to the Inquiry into the Victorian Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

In March this year CPRC began an ongoing monthly survey as part of a key research initiative Consumers and COVID-19: from crisis to recovery. We attach the foundational report released in May (Attachment A). This initiative aims to:

Worries about household expenses are common across a range of sectors
Few renters accessed their rights to support in June

Key insights for Victoria include:

Worries about household expenses are common across a range of sectors
Few renters accessed their rights to support in June
Key considerations for policymakers responding to COVID-19 include:

Consumer vulnerabilities are expanding/heightened
Immediate consumer supports need to be sustained, adapted and adjusted over the longer-term
Many consumers require cross-sector support
Industry must deliver the support that consumers have a right to access
Strong consumer protections must come alongside stimulus to build trust and confidence

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