

Our submissions

Engaged in multiple sectors, our team conducts rigorous consumer and policy research to uncover market failures and consumer harm. We actively collaborate with partners, leveraging national and international perspectives to identify and understand issues within markets. By openly sharing insights, we contribute to the creation of impactful policy solutions, fostering momentum for positive change and advocating for consumer welfare.

March 22, 2019

Submission to the ACCC Consultation Paper: Data Access Models for Energy Data

As noted in the Consultation Paper, the selection of energy data access model will affect the cost and operation of the Energy CDR system.

February 4, 2019

Submission to ESC’s Helping customers engage confidently in the retail energy market: Draft decision

CPRC strongly encouraged the ESC to introduce unique plan IDs on consumer factsheets, and be recognised by call centre staff to reduce consumer confusion.

December 18, 2018

CPRC submission to the ACCC: Monitoring of Electricity Supply

CPRC recommended the ACCC to consider measuring and disclosing information about the service quality of retail energy businesses as a “sunlight remedy” to improve the efficacy of the market for consumers.

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November 29, 2018

CPRC submission to the Energy Security Board Consultation on Proposed Metrics for Strategic Energy Plan

CPRC recommended the Energy Security Board (ESB) consider measuring and disclosing information about the service quality of retail energy businesses as a “sunlight remedy” to improve the efficacy of the market for consumers.

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October 2, 2018

Submission to ESC’s New Requirements for Energy Bills

CPRC welcomes the introduction of the best offer entitlement to ensure consumers receive timely, simple information about alternative available products.

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April 17, 2018

Submission to the ESC on Developing a Reference Price Methodology for Victoria’s Energy Market

CPRC supports reforms to increase consumer comprehension, comparability and switching. As is the case with many reforms aimed at changing consumer experience and behaviour, monitoring of the information, tools and platforms consumers access to support informed decision-making and the outcomes of these changes should be ongoing.

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March 26, 2018

Submission to the Review of Electricity and Gas Retail Markets in Victoria

We take the view that there has not been an authoritative, comprehensive review of retail competition in Victoria, nor is there currently enough evidence available to determine if retail competition has delivered improved efficiency and benefits in the long-term interests of consumers. Vulnerable and low income consumers, in particular, experience significant barriers to their effective participation and the realisation of benefits.

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March 16, 2018

Submission to the AER on Retail Price Information Guidelines

CPRC broadly supports the steps taken by the AER to increase consumer comprehension, comparability and switching through the development of the Retail Pricing Information Guidelines. Developing a regulatory and policy environment which is iterative and informed by ongoing consumer research will ultimately assist in delivery of evidence-based interventions to improve outcomes from consumer engagement through time.

June 2, 2021

CPRC Submission on CDR Rules – Joint Accounts and Peer-to-Peer in Energy

CPRC’s submission outlines our position opposing the proposed default approach to joint accounts and raising questions about the proposed peer-to-peer structure for energy markets.

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October 1, 2021

Submission on AER’s Better Bills Guideline

In developing its Better Bills guideline, CPRC encourages the AER to consider simplifying and standardising location of key information on bills to make them more navigable for consumers.

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