
Building Markets that Work for People

The lives of consumers are changing on an unprecedented scale as COVID-19 exposes the frailties of existing consumer markets that often don’t meet the needs of the people they are meant to serve. It is a critical time to shape emerging thinking on how to improve outcomes for consumers, and the role of market stewards across the sectors.

This is why we brought together experts from across sectors for this half-day forum to discuss:

  • The experiences of older people across consumer markets such as home care, retirement villages, energy and other essential services, including the release of CPRC’s new research report. Has the vision of choice and control eventuated? What is happening in practice, and how is market design impacting the way older people experience and access the products and services they need? How have challenges been amplified by COVID-19?
  • Towards markets that work for people. What’s on the other side of COVID-19 for markets? How can markets, products and services be better designed to meet people’s needs, preferences and the realities of consumer decision-making?

We were very fortunate to be joined by:

  • Gerard Mansour – Commissioner for Senior Victorians
  • Catriona Lowe – Board Member, Australian Energy Regulator
  • Sarah Edmondson – Senior Executive Leader, Behavioural Unit, Australian Securities and Investments Commission
  • Ian Yates – Chief Executive, Council on the Ageing Australia
  • Dr Kirsty Nowlan – Executive Director, Strategic Engagement, Research and Advocacy, Benevolent Society
  • Dr Manisha Amin – Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Inclusive Design
  • Katie Alpin – Interim Chief Executive Officer, Money and Mental Health Policy Institute (via video from the UK)

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