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December 17, 2021

Consumers, data and digital transformation – a year in review at CPRC

2020 has been a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated health measures have affected us all, be it directly or through our families and friends and across our communities. COVID-19 has also affected our experiences as consumers in some way, shape or form – be it the impacts of product shortages, higher prices and cancellations; increased reliance on essential services like energy and telco; being forced to take on debt to manage losses of income; or the increased use of online and data-driven technologies, products and services.

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Energy Bills

December 16, 2021

Outreach: Supporting Victorian consumers to lower energy bills

Our amazing outreach team have been back out in the community supporting concession card holders to access the Victorian Government’s $250 Power Saving Bonus.

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December 13, 2021

Telco reforms

After a long 18 months in and out of COVID-19 lockdowns, all of us who working, schooling and simple existing at home have become intimately familiar with the quality and service of our telecommunications providers.

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Consumer Index

December 13, 2021

Why listening needs to be at the heart of a consumer-led recovery

There is a lot of talk from industry and governments about consumer-centred service and policy design, but we often lack the tools we need to do it well. When it comes to the expectations and experiences of Australian consumers on the things that really matter, we don’t have up-to-date and independent data that is gathered across all sectors.

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December 02, 2021

Floppy disks, Faith and a Privacy Act for the 21st century

As we enter the home stretch of 2021, our heads are down preparing CPRC’s response to the proposed Discussion Paper of the review of Australia’s Privacy Act 1988.

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September 21, 2021

Telcos and credit providers fail consumers during COVID-19, says new scorecard

By delivering the joint worst customer experience overall these sectors have let down their customers when they most needed support. This highlights the need for increased consumer protections both during and beyond the pandemic. CPRC partnered with Roy Morgan Research to understand the impact of COVID-19 on consumers across several key industry sectors:

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April 08, 2021

We’ve been pounding the pavement to deliver the ‘$250 Power Saving Bonus’ to vulnerable Victorians.

An on the ground insight from our Education and Training Manager Karl Baratt.

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February 16, 2021

‘There’s a looming debt catastrophe for Australia’s youth’

Op Ed by CPRC CEO, Lauren Solomon, in 'The Canberra Times'

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February 10, 2021

A promising 2021

Great news about the arrival of COVID Vaccine in Australia and we, at CPRC, hope to bring in big news on our work in the coming months. A few staff changes, a structure tweak, but always more research and policy on Consumer Wellbeing + Technology Transformation. We will keep you updated.

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February 10, 2021

ACCC Ad Tech Inquiry Interim Report

CPRC has been picked up in the @ACCC Ad Tech Inquiry (p79). Consumers kept in dark, need to shine a light on practices.

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December 17, 2020

Consumers, Data and Digital Transformation – A Year in Review at CPRC

A message from Andrew Thomsen, Senior Research and Policy Manager, CPRC 2020 has been a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated health measures have affected us all, be it directly or through our families and friends and across our communities.

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December 17, 2020

Consumers, data and digital transformation – a year in review at CPRC

A message from Andrew Thomsen, Senior Research and Policy Manager, CPRC. 2020 has been a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated health measures have affected us all, be it directly or through our families and friends and across our communities.

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