September 17, 2024
Many regulators in Australia have a wealth of insights in the data they hold from consumer complaints, but often the information is not easily accessible or even made public. This report explores:
There’s a significant opportunity for regulators to use the valuable consumer data they hold, making it more accessible and actionable for all stakeholders. This data:
Most Australian Consumer Law regulators underutilise data from consumer complaints
NSW leads with a monthly complaints register, naming companies that receive the most complaints each month
QLD also publishes issue-specific data in a CSV file
Most regulators only report basic complaint numbers in annual reports
Ombuds in Australia tend to lead in publishing complaints data, while ACL regulators publish limited information
All regulators can improve how they collect, use and public data about consumer complaints.
The research has identified best practices that can guide regulators towards more effective data publication.
Data is most useful when:
CPRC welcomes the opportunity to work further on this issue with government, regulators, policy makers, academia and the community sector.
If you are in one the above groups and would like a one-on-one briefing for your organisation, contact our team today.
March 18, 2021
The Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) is a strong supporter of an unfair trading practices prohibition being introduced in Australia. This reform would address a gap in the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) and we are pleased to contribute to the ongoing consideration of this matter by Ministers responsible for consumer affairs across Australia and New Zealand.
August 28, 2020
CPRC was engaged by the AER to investigate the emerging approaches to regulation and policy design for consumer vulnerability. Our report sets out opportunities for essential service market stewards to adopt a more inclusive approach to supporting all consumers.
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