Engaged in multiple sectors, our team conducts rigorous consumer and policy research to uncover market failures and consumer harm. We actively collaborate with partners, leveraging national and international perspectives to identify and understand issues within markets. By openly sharing insights, we contribute to the creation of impactful policy solutions, fostering momentum for positive change and advocating for consumer welfare.
December 1, 2023
This joint submission between CPRC and Super Consumers broadly supports the Treasury’s initiatives to engage the investment and finance sectors in the transition towards a more sustainable economy. However, a sustainable finance regulatory framework should not only work for consumers by preventing inherently deceptive ‘green’ claims, but also provide meaningful information about the genuine sustainability features of investment products.
December 23, 2023
A designated complaints function recognises the value of complaints from organisations with strong connections to communities, who are able to identify consumer issues at an early stage. This submission outlines minor changes to the draft legislation and a suggested approach to designated complaints to get the best outcome from the new power:
December 20, 2023
Briefing note: Creating a fair, safe and sustainable tomorrow. This briefing note reflects on some of the major issues that were discussed at the Congress relating to, consumers and the digital economy, consumers and sustainability, cost of living and its impact on food and product safety