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December 07, 2020

New Research Finds Australian Consumers Want More Control Over Their Personal Information and Expect Fair Treatment

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November 26, 2020

Young People Wading Into a Sea of Debt As They Bear the Brunt of COVID-19

After 6 months of steep financial challenges, many young consumers have turned to unsustainable practices to get by, including a growing reliance on loans and credit card/buy-now-pay-later services, borrowing from family and friends, and drawing down on limited available capital. The numbers of young people seeking payment assistance and missing basic household bill payments are on the rise.

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November 23, 2020

New Tools for Fairer AI

A ground-breaking new technical paper demonstrates how businesses can identify algorithmic bias in artificial intelligence (AI), and proposes steps they can take to address this problem. With companies increasingly using AI for decision making in everything from pricing to recruitment, Addressing the problem of algorithmic bias explores how these decision-making systems can result in unfairness.

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April 22, 2020

CEO Update re. COVID-19

A message from Lauren Solomon It’s hard to believe we’re now four months into the year. The 2020 we all thought we might have, certainly now seems worlds apart from the one we will share. First and foremost, we at CPRC would like to recognise those on the frontline working tirelessly and creatively to keep people safe and our world ticking over. The changes underway in our society and markets are both personal and collective. We’re finding new ways to work. New ways to support those in need. New ways to connect with community. And new ways to derive meaning as we go about our lives.

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March 01, 2020

CPRC 2020 Reference Group Appointed

A warm welcome to our new Reference Group for 2020: Delia Rickard (ACCC), Prof Allan Fels AO (University of Melbourne), Dr Manisha Amin (Centre for Inclusive Design), Kate Symons (Essential Services Commission), Philip Cullum, Margery Clark (ANZ), Drew MacRae (Financial Rights Legal Centre), and Gavin Dufty (St Vincent De Paul Society Victoria).

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February 26, 2020

Exploring Regulatory Approaches to Consumer Vulnerability: A CPRC Report for the AER

Ensuring that consumers experiencing vulnerability are helped not hindered by business practice, policy and regulation is a long-standing challenge for all sectors. Our research for the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) explores leading approaches internationally, examples of initiatives working closer to home, and opportunities to take Australia towards fairer and more inclusive markets for all consumers.

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January 29, 2020

Older Australians Left Abandoned and Confused by Home Care System

Consumer research centre releases latest report – Choosing care: the difficulties of navigating home care The report from Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) draws on research undertaken in partnership with University of South Australia (UniSA) which surveyed 502 Home Care Package (HCP) recipients across metropolitan Australia in June and July last year.

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November 28, 2019

An Energy Trainer’s Journey to Helping 600+ Emergency Relief Workers and Their Clients Leap Over the Energy Hurdle

Everyone could use a little bit more knowledge and understanding when it comes to energy. I can hear the deep exhales already. But remember, nearly all of us have electricity and perhaps gas coming into our homes, powering our lives and allowing us to get on with the everyday. Even if we don’t have an energy bill in our name, we’re still likely to be paying towards one on a regular basis. So why not know the basics on how to minimise what we spend on these energy bills? After all, the money is better kept in your pocket.

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November 20, 2019

Forward-Looking Collective of Local and International Experts Gather for CPRC’s Data (R)Evolution Conference

We were delighted and honoured to host the brilliant collective of over 100 minds that gathered both on and off stage for our second annual consumer data conference Data (R)Evolution on Tuesday 19 November 2019. Bringing together national and global perspectives from across sectors, the day kicked off with a keynote from ACCC Chair, Rod Sims and eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant on the emerging opportunities and challenges for policymakers and regulators.

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November 18, 2019

Data (R)Evolution Conference Speech by CPRC CEO, Lauren Solomon

I would also like to begin by acknowledging that this meeting is being held on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. And I would like to pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging, and to Elders from other communities who may be here today. Aunty Joy, our team has been looking forward to hearing you share your wisdom again since our last conference in April. In the spirit of walking and working together, we’re so pleased to be hosting a discussion later today on Indigenous data sovereignty - ensuring people, and communities have more of a say in how data is used will be essential to a more inclusive future.

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September 10, 2019

As Victoria’s Landmark Rental Reforms Are Rolled Out, How Can We Ensure the Best Outcomes for These Often Forgotten Consumers?

Almost one in three Australians are renters and hand over a significant share of their income to landlords. Low-income earners pay a particularly high price, with more than half of those renting spending more than 30 per cent of their incomes on housing costs. What consumer protections do renters receive in return for all this money? Until now, very few at all, but things are changing.

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August 18, 2019

How Can Retailers Improve Access and Outcomes for Consumers With Cognitive Disabilities?

Guest post by Dr Yvette Maker and Prof Jeannie Paterson, University of Melbourne Service providers’ poor conduct towards consumers with cognitive disabilities has been in the spotlight in recent months, with particularly troubling accounts emerging from the Royal Commission into Banking, the Energy and Water Ombudsman of Victoria and the Essential Services Commission. Legislation and guidelines offer some remedies for people who are experiencing financial hardship, or who have been subject to unconscionable conduct or other improper practices. These protections, while important, do not necessarily assist people with cognitive disabilities to find and sign up for the services they want and need. The best solution is not relief when something goes wrong, but better front-end processes in the first place.

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