Our team operates across various sectors, conducting thorough consumer and policy research to pinpoint market failures and consumer harm. Using both national and international perspectives, we engage in collaborative efforts to address identified issues and share insights openly. Through partnerships and open collaboration, we work towards creating impactful changes for consumers and contribute to the development of effective policy solutions.
December 22, 2022
This reports explores the cost of living and financial wellbeing during 2022, with a particular focus on renters and mortgaged homeowners given the rapid rise in interest rates.
December 19, 2022
This report explores the volume and types of green claims consumers see across social and mainstream media, and packaging and promotional material. It seeks to understand what type of green claims influences consumers and how often consumers act on green claims. It also identifies factors that influence consumers trust of green claims and what happens if consumers find out a business has engaged in greenwashing.
November 16, 2022
This working paper covers the barriers and enablers of elective vehicle uptake in Australia.
November 02, 2022
Identifying the gap between energy concessions eligibility and concessions received
October 19, 2022
The Aboriginal Private Rental Access Project (APRAP) seeks to address systemic problems and other access barriers Aboriginal people encounter in accessing private rental.
September 27, 2022
Unfair business practices cause consumer harm but currently, there’s a gap in our laws to effectively protect Australian consumers.
June 29, 2022
Speaking directly with consumers provides a better understanding of their lives, what matters to them and the challenges they face. This report describes how Australians feel when confronted with challenges in markets or harm caused by businesses.
June 08, 2022
Dark patterns steer the choices we make online in ways that benefit businesses but can leave consumers worse off.
May 14, 2022
CPRC's research report From Search to Sale: Navigating the Victorian Property Market has found property buyers do not have access to accurate information about the price and quality of a property before they buy.
April 28, 2022
This report, the fourth in the series, addresses the critical issue of consumer consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of CDR data as facilitated by the reform. It explores opportunities for CDR to be ‘doing consent well’, and highlights which of these are within the remit of the DSB. To support our recommendation for clearer articulation of consumer outcomes from CDR as a means for continuous improvement of the regime, the core of the report builds on indicators for effective consent identified in CPRC’s first report and provides preliminary modelling for a CDR consumer outcomes measurement framework.
December 16, 2021
Over the last three decades Australian consumers have progressively shifted towards the digital economy for the consumption of products and services and the past two years have only accelerated this shift. Accessing our basic needs and wants online is now very much part of our daily narrative as the digital economy continues to offer convenience, choice and access that is unparalleled to our online experiences before. But are our protections and safeguards keeping pace for consumers to confidently reap the benefits of this evolving environment?
October 20, 2021
As the focus of policy makers shifts to rebuilding our communities and economy, now is the time to focus on a wellbeing approach to market governance. Taking a strategic, positive, people-centred approach to better understanding, measuring and reporting on the things that enhance or detract from the wellbeing of Australians in essential service markets.